The West indies in 1837

Page 400


APPENDIX. Expenses from 1st. January,

to 3lst. December, 1836.

£ s. d. To Clothing for old people 8 9 10^ Blankets for ditto 7 16 0 Disbursements for Sick 0 17 6 8 Puncheons of Meal, allo-n-ance for old people and Stock Keepers 87 19 6 14 Barrels of Shads for ditto 30 5 9 Hire of Agricultural Laborers 1250 9 3JMedical care of ditto 70 0 0 Balance in favour of free labor 593 6 S i £2049



It m a y be doubted whether the parish and deficiency taxes should be introduced as above ; since the revenue derived from them is made up from other sources, while the maintenance of worn out slaves, charged on the other side of the account, does not properly form a part of the cost of the free system.

COMPARATIVE V I E W OF T H E EXPENSES O N ESTATE. ONE YEAR OF SLAVERY. £ 70 Puncheons of Meal 819 52 Barrels of Herrings 4 i Ditto of Pork at Christmas 5 Ditto Flour ditto 910 Yards Osnaburgh 529 Ditto Blue napped clothing 8 D o z e n Kilmarnock Caps 50 Yards White Flannel 75 lbs of Fresh Beef. Medical care of 108 Slaves, at 9s. per head Extra labor of Coopers

163 40 22 56 92 9 5 5 47 98 £1361

S. 0 16 10 10 17 11 12 0 12 12 0

d. 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 6 0 10è




£ Paid Laborers from 1st. Jan. to 10th D e c . 1836 Computed for the two remaining weeks Medical attendance on laborers Support of three annuitants Clothing for ditto .. Balance in favour of free labor

777 29 28 17 3 503 £1361

s. d. 15 7J18 3 16 0 11 0 11 3 10 3 2


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