The West indies in 1837

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house Special Justice NORCOTT ever condescended to take refreshment. That individual, amidst some eccen­ tricities, was distinguished by an inflexible love of jus­ tice. His name is held in grateful remembrance by the negro population of this parish. He was once overtaken on this property by a tropical shower, and after waiting in vain for its cessation, he at last con­ sented to take a glass of punch, but on being asked to stay dinner, immediately took his flight in the rain. The Special Commission may be made almost a sine­ cure, by worthless magistrates, but the difficulties to which upright men are exposed, can only be appre­ ciated by eye witnesses. Their districts are often twenty miles in extent in a country more mountainous than Wales or Scotland ; frequently they cannot ob­ tain houses within them ; they are required to visit each estate twice a month, and in order to do this are obliged to keep from two to four horses, and to incur other charges, which their salaries in this expensive country are totally inadequate to sustain. When to these is added the incessant persecutions of the plan­ ters, and the harrassing pursuit of their duties, under a burning sun, it will cease to surprise, that so many of them have fallen victims to their labors, or have with­ drawn in disgust. To avoid depending on the hospi­ talities of the overseers is nearly impossible, for it re­ quires an inflexible resolution, and a capacity of endur­ ing fatigue and hunger, which few possess, and still fewer have the principle to bring such qualities into action. The population on Wiltshire has increased for many years past, ever since it has been under the man­ agement of its present attorney. He introduced the remedial provisions of the Apprenticeship, two months before the Bill came into operation. There has been

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