The West indies in 1837

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rally deprived of the salt-fish which they used to re足 ceive, and have not nearly so large an allowance of clothing. Their field cooks, (the women who used to bring them water in the field, and to cook the dinners for the gang,) have been taken away. They do not receive the same attention when sick ; less time is allowed to pregnant women before and after confine足 ment, who, on some estates, are not allowed to leave field-work up to the time of their delivery. The only advantages which they enumerated, were that they were no longer liable to be flogged and put in the stocks at the caprice of their overseers and drivers. One of the men was a head-carpenter on a large estate, who had applied, about a year ago, to purchase his freedom, and was valued at three hundred and fifty-two pounds. This iniquitous proceeding excited attention both in the colony and at home ; but the injured party has ob足 tained no redress. He succeeded in obtaining a new valuation, when he was rated at two hundred and thirty pounds ; but though he tendered half the money as an instalment, it was refused, and the valuation set aside. He has now almost given up the hope of freedom, and thinks it will not arrive in time to be of much benefit to him, as he is in weak health, and approaching sixty years of age. All these people spoke very affectionately of Doctor PALMKR, and said he was the best magis足 trate that ever came into the parish. Before his time they never obtained their half Fridays, according to the law, and since he was removed^ they have again been deprived of them. He encouraged them to clear and cultivate new provision grounds, and now they have "plenty of victual in them," while before they were so unsettled and afraid, that they neglected their grounds. One of the apprentices suggested as an effectual

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