The West indies in 1837

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exceptions, the answer had always been in the negative. Great improvements had been effected in the colony since his arrival. Its large debt was nearly liquidated, the port had been much improved by the construction of a wharf, and a road had been made across the island. Estates, he observed, had risen in value since Emanci足 pation. The Martinique refugees, were on the whole, i a peaceable, industrious set of laborers. The appren足 tices who bought out their time, usually continued to work for wages on the estates. He thought the ap足 praisements were in some instances too high. He had j endeavoured to dissuade some of them from purchasing \ their freedom, by telling them, that if they would wait till 1840, they would have their money to commence the world with ; but they argued in reply, that wages were now very high, and would fall when all became free. We also called upon the Rector, who is the only Protestant minister in the island. There are but four '] hundred protestant inhabitants, of whom all are English i but two. The Rector has three schools under his care, of which the one in town is attended by about forty children. They learn rapidly, though the lessons are in English ; but as soon as they can read, their parents j think they know enough, and remove them. The want of qualified teachers, is a great obstacle to more ex- : tended education. We were introduced in the course \ of the day, to W I L L I A M M U T E R , a proprietor of several 1 estates, and an extensive merchant and ship-owner ; and I also to D R . ROBINSON, both of whom are members of Council, and actively concerned in promoting the wel足 fare of the colony. The former invited us to visit his estates. He has no fears of his negros leaving him \ after 1840. He told us that he found it difficult to in- \ duce them to work for him on the Saturday, as they i

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