Two years in the French West Indies. Partie 2

Page 179




good chance, she strikes him dead with her claws. But if you are fond of your cat you will let her run no risks, as the bite of a large centipede might have very bad results for your pet. Its quickness of movement demands all the quickness of even the cat for self-defence. . . . I know of men who have proved themselves able to seize a fer-de-lance by the tail, whirl it round and round, and then flip it as you would crack a whip,—whereupon the terrible head flies off ; but I never heard of any one in Martinique daring to handle a living centipede. There are superstitions concerning the creature which have a good effect in diminishing his tribe. If you kill a centipede, you are sure to receive money soon ; and even if you dream of killing one it is good-luck. Consequently, people are glad of any chance to kill centipedes,—usually taking a heavy stone or some iron utensil for the work,—a wooden stick is not a good weapon. There is always a little excitement when a bête-ni-piê (as the centipede is termed in the patois) exposes itself to death ; and you may often hear those who kill it uttering a sort of litany of abuse with every blow, as if addressing a human e n e m y : — " Q u i t t é moin tchouê ou, maudi!— quitté



ou, scélérat!—quitté





etc. (Let me kill you, accursed ! scoundrel ! Satan ! abomination !) The patois term for the centipede is not a mere corruption of the French bête-à-mille-pattes. Among a population of slaves, unable to read or write,* there were only the vaguest conceptions of numerical values ; and the French term bête-à-mille-pattes was not one which could appeal to negro imagination. The slaves themselves invented an equally vivid name, bête-anni-piê (the tan!—quitté



ou, abonocio


* A c c o r d i n g to the M a r t i n i q u e " A n n u a i r e " f o r 1887, there w e r e even t h e n , o u t of a total p o p u l a t i o n of 1 7 3 , 1 8 2 , n o less than 125,366 u n a b l e to read a n d write.

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