Two years in the French West Indies. Partie 2

Page 13




the first time since ever they worked together, his comrade failed to answer his ouklé. — " Coument yo ka crié ou, chè ?" asks Fafa, curious to know her name. — " Cbâché nom moin ou-menm, duviné." But Fafa never was a good guesser, — never could guess the simplest of tim-tim. — " E s s Cendrine?" — " N o n , çé pa ç a . " — " Ess Vitaline ?" — " Non, çé pa ça." — " Ess Aza ?" — " Non, çé pa ç a . " — " Ess Nini ?" — " Châché e n c o . " — " Ess Tité ?" — " Ou pa save,—tant pis pou ou !" — " Ess Youma ?" — " Pouki ou 'lè save nom moin ? — ça ou ké fai épi y ? " — " Ess Yaiya ?" — " N o n , çé pa y." — " Ess Maiyotte ?" — " Non ! ou pa ké janmain trouvé y ! " — " Ess Sounoune ?—ess Loulouze ?" She does not answer, but quickens her pace and begins to sing,—not as the half-breed, but as the African sings,—commencing with a low long weird intonation that suddenly breaks into fractions of notes inexpressible, then rising all at once to a liquid purling birdtone, and descending as abruptly again to the first deep quavering strain :— " À

t é m o i n k a d ô m i toute l o n g u e ; Y o n paillasse se fai m o i n b i e n , Doudoux !

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