An historical survey of the french colony in the island of St. Domingo comprehending a short account

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D O M I N G O .


''future to the colonial affembiy of St. Domingo; that tefti" monies of approbation fhould be tranfmitted to the Northern " provincial affembly, to Colonel Mauduit' and the regiment of ''Port au Prince, for refifting the proceedings at St Marc's ; that " the king fhould be requefted to give orders for the forming a new '' colonial affembly on the principles of the national decree of " t h e 8th of March 1790, and. inftructions of the 28th of the " fame month ; finally, that the ci-devant members, then in '' France, fhould continue in a ftate of arreft, until the national '' affembly might find time to fignify its further pleasure concern" ing them." A decree to this effect was accordingly voted on the 12th of October, by a very large majority; and the king was re­ quested, at the fame time, to fend out an augmentation of force, both naval and military, for the better fupporting the regal au­ thority in. St. Domingo. I T is not eafy to defcribe the furprize and indignation which the news of this decree excited in St. Domingo, except among the partizans of the former government. By the?n it was re­ garded as the firft ftep towards the revival of the ancient fyftem; by most other perfons it was considered as a dereliction by the national affembly of all principle; and the orders for electing a new colonial affembly were fo little regarded, that many of the parifhes pofitively refufed to choofe other deputies until the fate of their former members, at that time in France, fhould be decided; declaring, that they ftill considered thofe perfons as the legal reprefentatives of the colony. One immediate and appa­ rent effect of this decree was, to heighten and inflame the po­ pular refentment againft Mauduit and his regiment. The reader has already been made acquainted with some particulars concerning

A P. V.


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