An historical survey of the french colony in the island of St. Domingo comprehending a short account

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affembly had received and divided among themfelves of livres as the purchafe money.

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I F recent events had not demonftrated the extreme credulity and jealous temper of the French character, it would be difficult to believe that charges, thus wild and unfupported, could have made an impreffion on the minds of any confiderable number of the people. So great however was the effect produced by them, as to occafion fome of the Weftern parifhes to recal their deputies ; while the inhabitants of Cape Fran巽ois took meafures still more decifive : they renounced obedience to the general affembly, and prefented a memorial to the governor, requefting him to diffolve it forthwith, declaring that they confidered the colony as loft, unlefs he proceeded with the utmoft vigour and promptitude in depriving that body of all manner of au足 thority. M . PEYNIER received this addrefs with fecret fatisfaction. I t feemed indeed to be the policy of both parties to reject all thoughts of compromife by negociation ; and there occurred at this juncture a circumftance which would probably have ren足 dered all negociation abortive, had it been attempted. In the harbour of Port au Prince lay a fhip of the line, called the Leo足 pard, commanded by M . Galifoniere. This officer, co-opejating in the views of Peynier and Mauduit, made a Sumptuous entertainment for the partizans of thofe gentlemen, and by this, or fome other parts of his conduct, gave offence to his failors. Whether thefe men had felt the influence of corruption (as afferted by one party) or were actuated folely by one of thofe unaccountable

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