An historical survey of the french colony in the island of St. Domingo comprehending a short account

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Proceedings of the General Colonial Affembly until its final Diffolution, and Embarkation of the Membersfor France, Auguft 1790.


H E General Affembly of St. Domingo met on the 16th CCHHAAPP .. III. of April, at the town of St. Marc. It was compofed of III. 213 members, of whom the city of Cape Franรงois elected 1790. twenty-four, Port au Prince fixteen, and Aux Cayes eight. Moft of the other parifhes returned two reprefentatives each; and it is allowed that, on the whole, the colony was fairly, fully, and moft refpectably reprefented. The provincial affemblies, however, continued in the exercife of their functions as before, or appointed committees to act during their intermiffion. T H E feffion was opened by a difcourfe from the president, wherein, after recounting various abufes in the constitution and adminiftration of the former colonial government, he pointed out fome of the many great objects that feemed to require immediate attention : among others, he recommended the cafe of the mulattoes, and a melioration of the Slave laws. The affembly concurred in fentiment with the orator ; and one of their firft meafures was to relieve the people of colour from the hardships to which they were fubject under the military jurisdiction. It E


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