An historical survey of the french colony in the island of St. Domingo comprehending a short account

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of the negroes. T h e Northern affembly arrefted his perfon, and very probably intended to proceed to greater extremities; but the governor interpofed in his behalf, obtained his releafe, and fent him from the country.

21 CHAP. II.

Ferrand de Beaudierre, a magiftrate at Petit Goave, was not fo fortunate. This gentleman was unhappily ena足 moured of a woman of colour, to whom, as fhe poffeffed a valuable plantation, he had offered marriage. Apprehenfive that by this ftep he might be difplaced from the magiftracy, and being a man of a warm imagination, with little judgment, he undertook to combat the prejudices of the whites againft the whole clafs. H e drew up, in the name and behalf of the m u 足 latto people, a memorial to the parochial committee, wherein, among other things, they were made to claim, in exprefs words, the full benefit of the national declaration of r i g h t s . Nothing could be more ill-timed or injudicious than this proceeding : it was evi足 dent, that fuch a claim led to confequences of which the mulattoes themfelves (who certainly at this juncture had no therefore was confidered as a fummons to the negroes for a ge足 neral revolt. The parochial committee feized the author, and committed him to prifon ; but the mob took him from thence by force, and in fpite of the magiftrates and municipality, who exerted themfelves to ftop their fury, put him to death. MONS.

THE king's order for convoking a general colonial affembly was received in St. Domingo early in the month of January 1790. It appointed the town of Leogane, in the Weftern province,


January January 1790.


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