An historical survey of the french colony in the island of St. Domingo comprehending a short account

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They maintained that it was calculated to convert their peaceful and contented negroes into implacable enemies, an d render the whole country a theatre of commotion and bloodfhed.


IN the meanwhile, the French government, apprehenfive that diforders of a very alarming nature might arife in the colonies from the proceedings in France, had iffued orders to the gover- Sept. Sept. 1789. 1789. nor general of St. Domingo, to convoke the inhabitants, for the purpofe of forming a legiflative affembly for interior regulation. Thefe orders, however, being unaccountably delayed, the people had anticipated the meafure. T h e inhabitants of the Northern diftrict, had already conftituted a provincial affembly, which met at Cape François, and their example was followed in November in the Weftern and Southern provinces ; the Weftern affembly met at Port au Prince, the Southern at Aux Cayes. Parochial com­ mittees were, at the fame time, every where establifhed, for the fake of a more immediate communication between the people and their reprefentatives. A RECITAL of the conduct and proceedings of thefe pro­ vincial affemblies, would lead me too much into detail. They differed greatly on many important questions ; but all of them concurred in opinion concerning the neceffity of a full and fpeedy colonial reprefentation ; and they unanimously voted, that if inftructions from the king for calling such an affembly Should not be received within three months thenceforward, the colony fhould take on itfelf to adopt and enforce the measure -—their immediate fafety and prefervation being, they faid, an obligation paramount to ail others. D 2


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