An historical survey of the french colony in the island of St. Domingo comprehending a short account

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I L L U S T R A T I O N S .

" T h e laft accounts I have received from St. Domingo inform me, that detachments of regulars and militia have fucceeded in furprifing and difperfing feveral negro encampments, in coniequence of which a few gangs of flaves have returned to their mafters' eftates; but thefe advantages have occafioned extreme fatigue to our troops, though they have not been able to reduce even the fixth part of the rebels. " T h e quarters of Doudon and Grande Riviere are occupied by fuch a number of rebels, that without a larger body of troops than we are poffeffed of, we cannot attempt to attack them with any hope of fuccefs. " W e are reduced to remain fhut up as it were Within the town of the Cape, and it is with great difficulty that we can man the line of pofts which are neceffary to prevent the rebels from attacking the weftern and fouthern parts of the ifland. Notwithflanding the activity of our troops, a body of the rebels found means to pafs thofe pofls, in order to fpread their ravages in the mountains of L'artibonite, called Les Cahos ; the inha足 bitants whereof have united their forces to repulfe and flop them, but after killing a few, the reft efcaped into the woods, and there is reafon to apprehend that the rebellion may foon extend itfelf to that part of the ifland, which would in a few' days become a prey to a general conflagration. " At this juncture we received a copy of the decree of the national affembly of the 24th of September laft, whereby our rights are acknowledged ; but we fear too late. W e have only H h 2 a copy

235 C H A P . VI.

p. 77

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