An historical survey of the french colony in the island of St. Domingo comprehending a short account

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186 CHAP. XII.



defponding reflections, or to fupprefs the exclamation, low , scrutable are the ways of Divine Providence ! THUS fcanty and uninterefting is the beft account I have to give of the territory itfelf; nor is my information much more perfect concerning the number and condition of the people by whom it is at prefent inhabited. The earlieft detachments from Old Spain were undoubtedly numerous. Herrera, an accurate and well-informed hiftorian, reckons that there were, at one period, no lefs than 14,000 Caftillians in Hifpaniola. Such was the renown of its riches, that men of all ranks and conditions reforted thither, in the fond expecta足 tion of fharing in the golden harveft. Its mines, indeed, were very productive. Robertfon relates, that they continued for many years to yield a revenue of 460,000 pefos (e). In contrailing this fact, with an anecdote which I have elfewhere recorded, that the inhabitants, at the time of Drake's invaHon, were fo wretchedly poor, as to be compelled to ufe, in barter among themfelves, pieces, of leather as a fubftitute for mo足 ney, we are furnifhed with a ftriking proof, that the true way to acquire riches, is not by digging into the bowels, but by improv足 ing the furface, of the earth. Not having any manufactures, nor the productions of agriculture, to offer in exchange for the necenaries and conveniencies of life, all their gold had foon found its way to Europe; and when the mines became exhaufted, their

(e) Upwards of 贈. 100,000 fterling. Hiftory of the Britifh Weft Indies, vol. 1.


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