An historical survey of the french colony in the island of St. Domingo comprehending a short account

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from the capital upwards of fourfcore Britifh miles in length, by twenty or twenty-five in w i d t h ; and which, abound足 ing in rivers throughout, may be fuppofed adapted for the growth of every tropical production in the greateft perfec足 tion : It feems capable alfo of being artificially flooded in dry weather. NEXT to Los Llanos in magnitude, but fuperior, it is believ足 ed, in native fertility, is the noble valley to the north, called Vega Real; through the middle of which flows the river Yuna, for the fpace of fifty miles, and difembogues in Samana bay to the eaft. Perhaps it were no exaggeration to fay, that this and the former diftricts are alone capable of producing more fugar, and other valuable commodities, than all the Britifh Weft Indies put together. THESE plains, however, though in contiguity the largeft, are not the only parts of the country on which nature has beftowed extraordinary fertility. Glades abundantly rich, eafy of accefs, and obvious to cultivation, are every where found even in the bofom of the mountains; while the mountains themfelves con足 tribute to fertilize the vallies which they encircle. IN beholding the gifts of a bountiful Creator, thus lying ufelefs and unimproved, and remembering at what an expence of human blood, and by what inexpiable guilt the Spanifh nation obtained the poffeffion of thefe countries from the rightful poffeffors, it is fcarce poffible to abftain from very gloomy and defponding Bb

185 CHAP. XII.

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