An historical survey of the french colony in the island of St. Domingo comprehending a short account

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tarily declared for the Britifh government, the garrifon, confifting of two hundred and fifty of our fuppofed allies, role on their officers, and compelled them to deliver up the poft to Lavaux, the French general, and it was greatly apprehended that, unlefs a very powerful reinforcement fhould fpeedily arrive to ftrengthen the Britifh army, many other places would follow their example.


EIGHT months had now elapfed fince the furrender of May 1794 Jeremie, and in all that interval, not a foldier had arrived from Great Britain ; and the want of camp-equipage, pro足 visions, and neceffaries, was grievoufly felt. T h e army feemed devoted to inevitable deftruction, and difappointment and difmay were ftrongly marked in the countenance of every man. At length, however, on the 19th of May, when expectation was nearly loft in defpair, it was announced that his Majefty's fhips the Belliqueux and the Irrefiftible, with the Fly floop, had caft anchor in the harbour of Cape St. Nicholas, having on board the 2 2 d , 23d, and 41ft regiments of infantry, under the command of Brigadier General Whyte. This event, as may well be imagined, afforded infinite relief and fatisfaction to the ha raffed and wornout troops on f h o r e ; and their animation on this occafion was heightened by the confident hope and expectation that Port au Prince would be the object of an immediate attack. It was: known that its harbour was crowded with fhips, moft of which were fuppofed to be laden with the richeft productions of the colony; and although the regiments newly arrived did not ex足 ceed fixteen hundred men in the whole (of whom two hundred and fifty were fick and convalefcent) the deficiency of numbers was no longer the fubject of complaint. Every one anticipated tQ

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