An historical survey of the french colony in the island of St. Domingo comprehending a short account

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placed a quantity of powder and other combuftibles in one of the buildings, which was fired by an unfortunate brigand, who perifhed in the explofion. Captain Morfhead died the next day, and was interred with military honours, attended by the Britifh garrifon ; Lieutenant Caulfield lingered fome time longer, and then followed him to the grave ; but Lieutenant Tinlin recovered. T H E next enterprize of our gallant little army had a lefs fa足 vourable termination. It was directed againft a ftrong poft and fettlement at a place called Bompara, about fifteen miles from Cape St. Nicholas, where a hardy race of people, chiefly a colony of Germans, had eftablifhed themfelves, and lived in un足 ambitious poverty. A detachment of two hundred men, from the different corps, were ordered on this fervice in two divifions, one of which was commanded by Major Spencer, the brave and active officer already mentioned, the other by Lieutenant-Co足 lonel Markham. Of their proceedings during the attack, and their retreat afterwards, I have not been furnifhed with the par足 ticulars. All that is known to the publick with certainty is, that our troops were repulfed by fuperior numbers, with the lofs of forty men, but without any diminution of the national character. It was allowed, even by the enemy, that they fought bravely. They were defeated, not difmayed, by circumftances probably which they did not forefee, and againft which human prudence could not provide. afflicting lofs was but ill compenfated, by the very diftinguifhed honour which was foon afterwards acquired by the X 2 few THIS

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