An historical survey of the french colony in the island of St. Domingo comprehending a short account

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74 CHAP. VI.



tains, were now wholly abandoned to the ravages of the enemy, and the cruelties which they exercifed, uncontrouled, on fuch of the miferable whites as fell into their hands, cannot be remem足 bered without horror, nor reported in terms ftrong enough to convey a proper idea of their atrocity. THEY feized Mr. Blen, an officer of the police, and having nailed him alive to one of the gates of his plantation, chopped off his limbs, one by one, with an axe. A POOR man named Robert, a carpenter by trade, endea足 vouring to conceal himfelf from the notice of the rebels, was difcovered in his hiding-place ; and the favages declared that he fhould die in the way of his occupation: accordingly they bound him between two boards, and deliberately fawed him afunder. M . CARDINEAU, a planter of Grande Riviere, had two na足 tural fons by a black woman. H e had manumitted them in their infancy, and bred them up with great tendernefs. They both joined in the revolt; and when their father endeavoured to divert them from their purpofe, by foothing language and pecuniary offers, they took his money, and then ftabbed him to the heart. A L L the white, and even the mulatto children whofe fathers had not joined in the revolt, were murdered without exception, frequently before the eyes, or clinging to the bofoms, of their mothers. Young women of all ranks were firft violated by a whole troop of barbarians, and then generally put to death. Some

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