Bibliographie d'histoire coloniale ( 1900-1930 )

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pa Svalbard. (The Scientific Researches of the Norwegians in Svalbard). — Tidsskr. f. dansk Folkeoplysning I, 1928, pp. 420431. — Odense, 1928.


ANKER (Ella). — Gronland for Norge. (Greenland for Norway). — Kristiania, 1923, 32 p. BRINCHMANN (Chr.). — Gronlands overgang til Danmark. (The Transfer of Greenland to Denmark). — Det Norske Geogr. Selsk. Aarb. 31-32, 1919-1921, pp. 89-188. — Kristiania, 1922. BULL (Jens). — La question de la souveraineté sur le Groenland Oriental. (Extrait de la Revue de Droit International et de la Législation comparée, 1929, nr. 3. — Bruxelles, 1929, 36 p.). CASTBERG (Frede). — Ostgronlandsavtalen. (The East Greenland Agreement). — Kristiania, 1924, 48 p. ( = 1924 A). CASTBERG (Frede). — Le Conflit entre le Danemark et la Norvège concernant le Groenland. (Extrait de la Revue de Droit international et de Législation comparée, 1924, nr. 3. •— Bruxelles, 1924, 16 p.). (= 1924 B). CASTBERG (Johan). —■ Gronlandssaken. (The Greenland Question) (Nordmannsforbundet, 1923, pp. 95-103. — Kristiania, 1923). EGEDE (Hans). — Det garnie Gronlands nye Perlustration eller Naturel-Historie og Beskrivelse over det garnie Gr0nlands Situation, Luft, Temperament og Beskaffenhed. Efter Utgaven av 1741. Utgitt av Oslo Etnografiske Museum. (New Description of the Old Greenland, etc. Reprinted after the Edition of 1741. Edited by the Ethnographical Museum of Oslo). — Oslo, 1926, 172 p. HAMBRO (C. J.). — Norge og Gronland. (Norway and Greenland). — Ukens revy, 1921, pp. 1205-1207, 1233-1236, 1262. — Kristiania, 1921). HAMBRO (C.J.). — Norske næringsinteresser paa Gronland. (Norwegian Economic Interests in Greenland). — Kristiania, 1924, 48 p. (= 1924 A). HAMBRO (C. J.). — Gronlandssporsmalet. (The Greenland Question) — Ukens revy, 1924, pp. 57-64, 86-91, 113-117, 141-146, 169-176. — Kristiania, 1924. (= 1924 B). HANDAGARD (Idar). — Skal Norge nu godkjende Kieler-traktaten ? En klarlæggelse af det Gronlandske sporgsmaal. (Shall Norway now recognize the Kiel Treaty ? An Exposition of the Greenland Question). — Porsgrunn, 1921, 16 p.

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