Bibliographie d'histoire coloniale ( 1900-1930 )

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review of the Norwegian Svalbard expeditions during the period 1906-1926 has been published by Hoel (1929) 1 See also Isachsen 1920, Werenskiold 1920, 1928. The modern exploitation of Svalbard's coal fields, which dates from 1899, actualized anew the sovereignty question (Lund 1910, Hansen 1919, Hoel 1919). During the years immediately preceding the great war, the case was discussed by the interested powers (Slutningsprotokol 1912), and a revised proposal to an agreement in 1914 suggested that Spitsbergen should remain a terra nullius (Isachsen 1921). However, the war in many directions reverted the conditions. Norway's interests grew totally dominating, particularly by the Norwegian purchase of the American coal fields and mines. At the peace conference the Norwegian government proposed a decision of the case in Norway's favor, and by a treaty (printed with appendixes in Isachsen 1921), signed in Paris Febr. 9, 1920, Norway's full and absolute sovereignty of Svalbard was recognized by the contracting powers. After the necessary ratifications, the official proclamation of Norway's sovereignty of Svalbard took place on Aug. 14, 1925. Still remaining was the settlement of the many claims to land in Svalbard. To this end a special Svalbard Commissioner was appointed, and within a few years this difficult work was brought to an end with success (Svalbard Commissioner 1927, Hoel 1928).


de S. A. S. le Prince de Monaco par la Mission Isachsen in Résultats des Campagnes scientifiques, Albert Ier, prince de Monaco, fasc. XL-XLIV. Most of the results of the Isachsen expeditions in 1909 and 1910 have been collected into three volumes as Expédition Isachsen au Spitsberg 1909-1910. Résultats scientifiques, I-III, 1916-27. The greater part of the results of the later Norwegian expeditions to Svalbard has been publistted, or is still being prepared for publication, in the series : Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet (Resultater av de norske statsunderstottede Spitsbergenekspeditioner). 1. The bibliography in this paper includes : A. Previously published accounts of the expeditions. B. Storting (Parliament) papers concerning the Svalbard expeditions, 1909-1929.

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