Bibliographie d'histoire coloniale ( 1900-1930 )

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tunities for fascinating research afforded by British overseas history. His Colonial Self-Goverment, Colonial Background of the American Revolution, Colonial Folkways, Boston Merchants and the Non-Importation Movement and Fathers of New England have become standard works. Enthusiastic young scholars soon grouped themselves about him and the famed Yale school of specialists in British colonization developed. Among its wellknown members are Frank J. Klingberg, author of The Anti-Slavery Movement in England ; Frank W. Pitman, whose brilliant Development of the British West Indies has given him an international reputation ; and Leonard W. Labaree, whose Royal Government in America has been the foremost colonial study of the year. Upon his recent retirement, Professor Andrews was presented with a memorial volume, Essays in Colonial History, written by his former students and dealing with the institutional history of the American colonies before the Revolution. Professor Osgood of Columbia produced definitive works in his studies of the American colonies in the seventeenth (2 vols.) and eighteenth centuries (4 vols.), which are models of masterly research and lucid presentation. Professor Van Tyne, on the other hand, concentrated on the American Revolution. Thoroughly convinced that fanatical one hundred percentism was the wrong method of approach, he viewed the critical period, 1763-1783, with calm detachment and analyzed the break-up of the first British empire as an inevitable process, with much to praise and much to blame on both sides. His Loyalists in the American Revolution, American Revolution, Causes of the War of Independence, England and America, and The War of Independence set new standards of historical scholarship in the United States. Much in the way of source material on British colonization in North America has been published. Thus, the correspondence of the governors of Connecticut from 1741-1769 has been edited by Albert C. and M. Bates ; that of the colonial governors of Rhode Island by Gertrude Kimball ; that of Governor Shirley of Massachusetts, 1731-1760, by Lincoln ; Horatio

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