Bibliographie d'histoire coloniale ( 1900-1930 )

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ventures of the century. This has been followed by a critical edition of Pigafetta's narrarive of Magellan's voyage, Legazpi and Philippine Colonization and A History of Florida. As editor of the Hispanic American Historical Review, he has placed this flourishing quarterly in the front ranks of our learned periodicals and has made it the chief organ of a rapidly growing group of enthusiasts. William S. Robertson is the chronicler of the disruption of the Spanish empire. His Life of Miranda, based on this heroic leader's long lost papers, found on Lord Bathurst's estate after an arduous quest extending over many years, is a triumph of American scholarship and bids fair to become a classic. The same writer's two articles on Spain's policy toward the rebellious colonies and her ultimate recognition of their independence are substantial contributions. Other scholarly writings in the field are Bemis' Pinckney s Treaty, The Inquisition in the Spanish Dependencies by Lea, Merriman's Rise of the Spanish Empire, Whitaker's SpanishAmerican Frontier, Hodge and Lewis' Spanish Explorers in the Southern United States, Fernando Cortes by Mac Nutt, Mecham's Francisco de Ibarra and Nueva Viscaya, Richman's The Spanish Conquerors and California Under Spain and Mexico, Antonio de Mendoza by Aiton, The Corregidor in Spanish Colonial America by Castajnada, Haring's Early Spanish Colonial Exchequer and Trade and Navigation Between Spain and the Indies and Priestloy's JosÊ de Gâlvez and The Luna Papers. Braden has written on the religious aspects of the conquest of Mexico, Chapman on the founding of Spanish California, Irene Wright on the early history of Cuba, Lowery on Spanish settlements within the present limits of the United States and Schurz on The Royal Philippine Company. Because Portuguese endeavor in no way affected the United States, American historians have betrayed little interest in the matter and only one scholar, Professor A. G. Keller of Yale, has given it serious attention. This lone worker's Portu-

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