Antigua and the Antiguans. Volume 2

Page 38



nation by whom the sweets of domestic ties are so peculiarly felt and appreciated, should have been among the first to rend husband from wife, the babe from its mother, the laughter from her old parent, and condemn them to " Plough the winter's wave, and reap despair !" that Britons, free-born Britons, such advocates for liberty ! should have acted thus for so many years, even when the dark clouds of ignorance had been dispersed, and “ knowledge to their eyes" had unfolded “ her ample page," is almost beyond credence. But, alas ! it proves how much “ the clink of Mammon's box" charms the ear and deadens the nobler feelings of the soul. In 1592, two years before he died, Sir John Hawkins was so impressed with horror at what he had done in introducing the slave-trade to the notice of his countrymen, who had eagerly pursued it, that he built a hospital at Rochester, to atone, in some measure, for his violation of the laws of humanity. Draco's laws were said to be written with- a pen of iron, in letters of blood ; and surely, so also have the annals of slavery been described. “ Disguise thyself as thou wilt," says Sterne, “ still, slavery—still thou art a bitter draught!" And, bitter as it is, our poor West Indian slaves have, in former years, drained the cup to the very dregs. But, thank God, the cry-" Am I not a man and a brother !" has been heard and acknowledged. The names of Sharpe, Wilberforce, and Fox, with many others, are engraved deep in the hearts of all true lovers of humanity, for their strenuous endeavours, year after year, in procuring the abolition of this infernal traffic; and universal gratitude is due to Buxton, Lushington, and their right worthy fellow-labourers of the present day, for their share in effecting the final measure of emancipation. And in this place, I must beg to proffer my thanks to the many kind hearts which beat in Antigua, slave-owners as they were, for their joint exertions with our English philanthropists in bringing this glorious freedom about ; and for their cheerful acquiescence, when accomplished, in giving

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