Antigua and the Antiguans. Volume 2

Page 349



Law Ellapse or otherwise become due or belonging unto our Said Soveraigne Lord ye King and the same or any part of Pall thereof from time to time to dispose of under such moderate quitt Rents acknowledgements or securities to be reserved to His Majestie his Heires and Successors by rnee shall bee deemed meete and convenient. And further by one other Article in his Majties said Commission I am fully Impowered and authorized by his said Majtie to grant Letters and Charters of Incorporasion to all Citties, Townes, Boroughs and other places wthn any or either ye said Islands or plantations respectively wth all liberties, franchises, and priviledges requisite and usually granted to any such wthn the kingdom of England which said grants charters or priviledges soe by me granted and His Majties great Seale appointed for his said Leeward Islands, and beinge duly Entered inrold and recorded shall be good and effectuall in Law against any Pson, Power or Authoritie what so ever. Know ye therefore that I the said William Stapleton Capn Gen1 &ca by virtue of my said Commission and ye severall Powers to mee therein given for and in ye behalfe of our Soueraigne Lord ye King, for divers good and lawfull causes and considerations hereinafter in the Psents mentioned and expressed and forasmuch as Coll Phillip Warner of the Island of Antigua stands possessed of a certain freehold and plantation or Pall of land in and upon ye said Island of Antigua commonly call'd or known by the name of the Savanna by virtue of a grant and Pattent had and obtained by the said Coll Phillip Warner from and under the hand of William Lord Willoughby of Parham late Capn Gen1 -and Governor in Chiefe of Barbadose and the rest of the Leeward Islands and sealed wth the greate Seale then appointed by his Majtie for the said Islands bearing date the 11th day of April 1668. I have at the speciall instance and request of him ye said Coll Phillip Warner Given granted released remised and confirmed as I doe by these Psents give grant release remise and confirme unto the said Coll Phillip Warner his heires and assignes-for ever the said Plantation and freehold under the name and title of the Manor of fframingham and doe by virtue of this my Pattent invest him the said Coll Phillip Warner his Heires and Assignes for ever in Right Title and Interest of the said Plantation in a Mannor and Royaltie Lyinge wthn the Limits and bounds hereinafter mentioned and expressed. That is to say the Westward part of the said land being bounded wth the land of Mr William Wainwriyld and Crowne land in Falmouth Harbor To the North wth the land of Mr Nath1 Munch and the land anciently call'd and known by name of Piccadille Hills and to the North East wth the land late of George Mould the lands of John Pine/tin Richard Law and Richard Willis and part wth the sea. The East and South East part thereof bounded wholie with ye low water marke upon ye Severall Bayes, Poyntes, and

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