Antigua and the Antiguans. Volume 2

Page 232



plentiful, and very cheap ; fowls could be purchased for from 6d. to 8d. each, and turkeys, geese, guinea-birds, and ducks, in the same proportion ; but now it is different, the negroes requiring higher prices for them. Most country gentlemen have, however, a poultry-yard attached to their residence, and thus escape the necessity of having to send, perhaps, half over the island before their want can be supplied. Rabbits and pigeons are occasionally added to the luxuries of the Creole banquet; and venison finds its way from the neighbouring island of Barbuda. Several very excellent kinds of fish, the produce both of sea and fresh water, and shell-fish, allure the eye of the epicure ; and last, not least, the delicious turtle, which at certain seasons is vended weekly at 9d. sterling per pound ! with all its rich green fat, its white and yellow eggs ! What would a city alderman say to this ? would not his imagination revel in all the delights of calipash and calipee, and real turtle soup ? not made of beef and calf's head, with a few pieces of turtle floating in it, to stand its god-father, as a late gastronomic writer so aptly describes such soup as may be obtained at the “ London Tavern," or Cornhill, although that is reckoned very excellent in its way. We are very soon to have the steam ships running, or rather galloping, between England and these islands ; and I really think it would well repay that very honourable body the “ lord mayor, the sheriffs, and aldermen of London," to take a trip, if it was only to partake of turtle in perfection, and quaff a glass of Madeira, mellowed beneath this burning sun. Although hospitality is ever practised in Antigua, Christmas is the season of the year when conviviality is at its height. Then relatives meet together from all parts of the island,—then friendly compacts are renewed, and family differences happily adjusted, and sweet Concord, with beaming smile, wreaths once more her golden chain. Although no glittering green mistletoe, that “ holy bough," hangs pendant from the ceiling, and calls the attention of flashing

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