Antigua and the Antiguans. Volume 1

Page 62



necessity we are in to send back immediately the island troops to Martinique and Guadaloupe, to oppose the enemy, who, according to advices received, will soon arrive there, it is impossible now to keep the island of Antigua for the king It has therefore been thought proper to land, attack the enemy, and, in case of success, place the island in such a state, that the enemy can draw no sort of profit from it. " Done unanimously between us, the undersigned, in the harbour of Antigua, the 3rd December, L666. " DE CLODORE, BLONDEL , HINSSELIN."

During the period the council was being held, several armed soldiers, (of the English troops,) impatient to know what answer would be returned to their letters, appeared upon the beach ; upon which, according to the resolutions already passed, a cannon-ball was fired at them, when they dispersed, and appeared no more, without a white flag in their hand. Before the French council broke up, an English officer came on board, bringing the following letter for

M. de Clodore :— "

Monsieur, " Nous vous avons envoyé ce matin telle reponse que nous pouvions, estant sous le commandement et autorité de Mons. le Gouverneur, au pouvoir duquel n'estions pas capables de resister ; mais depuis que nous luy avons fait voir amplement la raison de nostre premier traité et nostre refus de rompre, avons tant fait qu'il en est demeuré d'accord, moyennant qu'il y soit, compris comme le reste des habitans; le dit traité et accord sera ponctuellement ratifié et effectué en toutes ses particularitez. " Monsieur, vos, &c, " BASTIEN BAIJER, &c. &C.' * * " Sir,—We have sent this morning the only answer we could give, being under the command and authority of the governor, to whose power we

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