Antigua and the Antiguans. Volume 1

Page 129



the aperture, called upon Obeah, under the title of Nzambiampongee, to assist them in the extirpation of their foes ; and after many a mumbled incantation, proceeded to bury in the hole small quantities of gunpowder, rusty iron, a little money, and a portion of human hair ; while Klaas added to the heap by throwing in a few bujis.* After another incantation was chanted by them all, the hole was carefully covered over with black dog-bush,† and the earth once more thrown in and pressed down. At this moment a nightraven screeched, and Morah interpreted it as a kindly sign from Obeah ; whilst a beautiful speckled snake, gliding over the spot, was greeted by Klaas as his country's god. This ceremony over, Morah departed, and other business was discussed. Seated upon his rustic throne, Klaas issued his mandates to his attentive subjects, who, stretched around, looked up to him as their presiding divinity. " In eight days' time," began their king, in a distinct and audible tone, " there is to be a ball given by the governor, in honour, they say, of their king, and as all our tyrants are expected to be present, it has been determined to make that night the scene of our grand endeavours, that, at one stroke, shall destroy our enemies, and make us once more free. Under yonder bushes, where the earth looks fresh, are buried the kegs of gunpowder which we have, at various times, been enabled to collect ; and the night before the ball takes place do you, Quashey Coonah, make it your business to remove them carefully up to Clark's hill, where Harry, who has been lately hired there, will have them placed under the cellar. Frank, I look to you to take care of what arms we have procured, and also to distribute them. You will also have those bills sharpened—they may prove very useful. I make it my duty to fire the train about the time the moon rises above the top of yon mountain, while * A small white shell, about the size and shape of an olive, used as the general currency in Guinea. † A wild shrub, supposed to be of great use in witchcraft.

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