Six months in the West-Indies, in 1825

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with the process of making sugar. But the main and essential difference is, that the whole cultivation and manufacture of cacao is carried on in the shade. People must come between Cancer and Capricorn to understand this. I was well tired when we got back to Antonio's house. What a pleasant breakfast we had, and what a cup of chocolate they gave me by way of a beginning ! So pure, so genuine, with such a divine aroma exhaling from it! Mercy on me ! what a soul-stifling compost of brown sugar, powdered brick, and rhubarb have I not swallowed in England instead of the light and exquisite cacao ! I love the Spanish ladies to my heart; after my own dear and beautiful countrywomen, I think a se単orita would be my choice. Their dress is so gay, yet so modest, their walk so noble, their manners so quiet, so gentle, and so collected. They have none of that undue vivacity, that much ado about nothing, that animal conceit, which disgusts me in the Gauls. A Spanish woman, whether her education have been as finished or not, is in her nature a superior being. Her majestic forehead, her dark and thoughtful eye assure you that she hath communed with herself. She can bear to be left in solitude; yet what a look is hers, if she is animated by mirth or love! Then, like a goddess, she launches forth that subtile light from within,

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