Six months in the West-Indies, in 1825

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mach for a repetition of the morning's ducking, and independently of rheumatism, I knew that albo ventre lavari was no joke to any one. So I accepted the hospitality of the learned Dr. Dyett, and after a very edifying and abundantly charitable discourse upon the quality and form of Popery, I snoozed away the night in a barrack-room in the Doctor's court-yard, oblivious of all sublunary things except the barking of dogs. West India turtle lies light as a feather, and claret is as thin as air; so by the first dawn I essayed to rise, what time shoeless and uncinctured Betsy pushed her black eyes, yellow face, and white teeth through the door with ' How you do, my massa ? La ! what white skin ! gee ! gee ! gee !' ' Ay, Betsy,' said I, ' the color would be worth something to you; but just at present go and get me somecoffee !' And so fortified, and mounting somebody's horse, (many thanks to the unknown owner !) I paced through the quiet old town, and having joined my companion at the very worthy Mr. Luckcock's, we set out upon our excursion. At first the road lay along the margin of the sea, then wound inwards by a gentle acclivity towards the mountains. It was like one of my native Devonshire lanes; no primroses or violets were there indeed, but the snowy amaryllis* drooped her long and delicate petals like a * Pancratia CarribbĂŚa.

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