Six months in the West-Indies, in 1825

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133 MARTINIQUE. were adopted: for not only would the public convenience be much promoted by a steady, safe, and abundant importation, and separate preservation of each article in common request, but the demand for those articles would be one hundred-fold greater in Bridge Town itself than it now is on the same account in London, Liverpool, or Bristol, when impeded or divided and frittered away by a system of parcel-sending across the Atlantic. Supply will, under particular circumstances, create demand. If a post were established in Barbados, or a steamboat started between the islands, a thousand letters would be written where there are one hundred now, and a hundred persons would interchange visits where ten hardly do at present. 1 want a book and cannot borrow it; I would purchase it instantly from my bookseller in my neighbourhood, but I may not think it worth my while to send for it over the ocean, when, with every risk, I must wait at the least three months for it. The moral consequences of this system are even more to be lamented than the economical, but I will say more about that at some other time. There are two very good churches in St. Pierre, and both of them furnished with that mitigated idolatry which so advantageously distinguishes the French segment of the Papistical Heresy. It is to be hoped that the Bishop of Gerren will succeed in getting rid of some of the absurdities in the Romish worship in Trini-

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