The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 3, partie 2

Page 6


C O M P A N I O N S OF C O L U M B U S .

were allowed but one hammock to sleep in.


It was an embar­

rassing predicament—not apparently to the Indian beauty, but certainly to the scrupulous Jeronimo.

He remembered, however,

his double vow, and, suspending his hammock to two trees, re­ signed it to his companion ; while, Ughting a fire on the sea-shore, he stretched himself before it on the sand.

It was, as he ac­

knowledged, a night of fearful trial, for his sandy couch was cold and cheerless, the hammock warm and tempting ; and the infidel damsel had been instructed to assail him with all manner of blan­ dishments and reproaches.

His resolution, however, though often

shaken, was never overcome ; and the morning dawned upon him still faithful to his vow. The fishing over, he returned to the residence of the cacique, where his companion being closely questioned, made known the triumph of his self-denial before all the people.

From that time

forward he was held in great respect; the cacique especially treated him with unlimited confidence, intrusting to him the care, not merely of his house, but of his wives, during his occasional absence. Aguilar now felt ambitious of rising to greater consequence among the savages, but this he knew was only to be done by deeds of arms.

He had the example of the sturdy seaman, Gon-

zalo Guerrero, before his eyes, who had become a great captain in the province in which he resided,

He entreated Taxmar,

therefore, to intrust him with bow and arrows, buckler and warclub, and to enroll him among his warriors. plied.

The cacique com­

Aguilar soon made himself expert at his new weapons,

signalized himself repeatedly in battle, and, from his superior knowledge of the arts of war, rendered Taxmar such essential service, as to excite the jealousy of some of the neighboring

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