The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 3, partie 2

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ii. 289 ; revolt of, iii. 303 ; Hispaniola the first island to exhibit an awful retribution, ib. ; regulations in respect to, iii. 304. Slaves, one hundred captured and sent to His­ paniola, iii. 63. Solomon, the gold used in the temple of, ii. 73. Soria, Juan de, his insolence to Columbus, i. 297. Sosa, sent to supersede Pedrarias Davila, iii. 234 ; dies in the harbor, iii. 236. Sotomayor, Christoval de, arrives from Spain at Porto Rico, iii. 266 ; builds a fortress, ib. ; Columbus refuses to put him in possession, appoints Ceron and Diaz lieutenants, ib. ; a conspiracy formed against him by the na­ tives, iii. 270 ; revealed to him by an Indian princess, iii. 271 ; he refuses to believe it, is attacked in the forest and killed, iii. 272. , village of, destroyed, iii. 273. Soul, ideas of the Haytiens in respect to the, i. 374 ; the after state of, believed by the natives of Cuba, i. 425. Spain and Portugal, diplomatic negotiations between the courts of, with respeot to the new discoveries, i. 287. Spotorno, Gio, publishes documents relative to Columbus, ii. 304. Sugar-cane introduced into Hayti, i. 380. Sun, supposed to be worshipped by the In­ dians, iii. 187. Superstition of St. Elmo lights, 1. 304. Swallow, a, encircles the ships of Columbus, i. 304. T. Talavera, Fernando de, prior of Prado and confessor to queen Isabella, i. 97 ; esteems Columbus's plan impossible, i. 100 ; he is desired by the king to assemble men of science to consider the matter, ib. ; reports to the king that the council had pronounced the plan vain and impossible, ib. ; takes a message from the king, ib. ; disgusted at the high terms insisted on by Columbus, i. 109. , pirates the ship of a Genoese, iii. 85 ; character of his crew, ib. ; arrives at San Sebastian in time to save the colony, ib. ; returns to Hispaniola, iii. 88 ; puts Ojeda in irons, iii. 89 ; is hanged by the order of Don Diego Columbus, iii. 99, Taxmar, cacique of Yucatan, iii. 249 ; his treatment of the Spaniards, iii. 250-2 ; ves­ sels appear off the coast, ib. Teneriffe, fears of the crew at beholding Mount, i. 130. Territory, question of, how settled, i. 299. Thomas, St., fortress of, erected, ii. 363 ; see note, ib. ; conduct of the colonists there, i. 381 ; attacks of, ii. 23. Tigers and panthers at San Sebastian, iii. 80. Tobacco, first seen in the island of Cuba, i. 184. Tobago, discovery of, ii. 123. Toledo, archbishop- of, his character, i. 81 ; gives Columbus an attentive hearing, ib. ; and procures him an audience of the king, i. 82.


Toledo, Dona Maria de, Don Diego Colum bus becomes enamoured of, iii. 297 ; their marriage, ib. ; and embarkation for Hispanio­ la, iii. 298 ; is left as vicequeen at St. Domin­ go on the sailing of Don Diego for Spain, iii. 301 ; becomes a widow, iii. 306. Torre, Dona Juana de la, receives a letter from Columbus with an account of his treatment, ii. 270. Torres, Antonio de, dispatched from Hispani­ ola, with twelve ships, to Spain, i. 345 ; ar­ rives at Cadiz, ii. 59 ; dismissed from of­ fice, ii. 97. —, Luis de, sent up the island of Cuba by Columbus, i. 180 ; an account of his journey, i. 182. Tortoises, sea covered with, on the southern coast of Cuba, i. 417 ; curious method of taking, i. 407 ; a living one taken out of the maw of a shark, ii. 341. Tortugas, beautiful island of, discovery of, i. 201, iii; 282. • Toscanelli, Paulo, his correspondence with Co­ lumbus, i. 57. Trade of the colonies monopolized by the crown of Spain, ii. 287 ; the Spanish sys­ tem the scon off modern times, ii. 288. Trasierra, Juan de, ii. 258. Triana, Rodrigo de, first sees the land of the western world, i. 152 ; account of, i. 274. Tribute imposed upon the Haytiens, ii. 50. Trinidad, island of, discovered, ii. 108 ; de­ scription of its appearance, ib. ; curious ac­ count of the natives, ii. 110. Tristan, Diego, ii. 357, 8, 9 ; is killed, ii. 360. Tubanamà Cacique, his appeal to Nufiez, iii. 189 ; refuses to disclose where the mines lie, iii. 190. Tudela, Benjamin, travels of, i. 61. Tumaco, Cacique, encounter with Nufiez, iii. 180. • Turk's island, observations relative to, iii. 368. U. Uraba, gulf of, settlement iii. 70.

at commenced,

Ursula, Santa, island of, discovered, i. 315. V. Valdivia, fortunes of, iii. 247 ; sent to His­ paniola for provisions, iii. 149. Valenzuela, vessel of, founders at sea, iii. 120. Valfermoso, coast of discovered, iii. 53. Vassals, natives of Hispaniola reduced to the condition of, ii. 213. Vega, Garcillaso de la, his tale relative to a pilot having died in the house of Columbus, iii. 350. , river, i. 360 ; called by the natives Yagui, i. 357. — , Real, the royal plain, i. 361, 378 ; ac­ count of, see note ii. 16. Velasco, Pedro de, his voyage to Ireland, i 16. — — , Francisco, ii. 258. Velasquez, Diego, commands the soldiery at the massacre of Xaragua, ii. 433.

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