The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 3, partie 2

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Q. Queen's Gardens, Columbus's arrival at, in his third voyage, ii. 313 ; archipelago of, discovered, i. 405. Question, the territorial, how settled, i. 299. Quibian, Cacique of Veragua, interview with Bartholomew Columbus, ii. 344 ; second interview, ii. 345 ; détermines on preventing the Spaniards from obtaining a settlement in his territories, ii. 346 ; conspires to burn their houses and murder them, ii. 350, 1 ; is seized by the Adelantado with his wives and children, ii. 354 ; escapes in a very extraordinary manner, ii. 355-358 ; attacks the Spaniards and is defeated, ii. 359. Quinsai, Marco Polo's account of, iii. 396. Quintanilla, Alonzo de, receives Columbus into his house, i. 79. R. Rabida, La, convent of, Columbus is entertained at, on his first arrival in Spain, i. 102 ; present state, i. 264. Reeds, river of, i. 360. , immense, seen on the Mosquito coast, ii. 321. Reinier, king of Naples, Columbus engages in his service, i. 29. Religion of the natives of Hayti, i. 368, 9. Repartimientos, origin of, ii. 213 ; opposition of Don Diego Columbus to the, iii. 300. Requelme, Pedro, makes his house the headquarters of the rebels at Hispaniola, ii. 194 ; made Alcalde by Roldan, ii. 215 ; joins in a conspiracy with Adrian de Moxica, ii. 230 ; is taken, ii. 235. Rewards and punishments, ideas of the Haytiens in respect to, i. 374. Rio Verde, or the green river, i. 360. Road, the first constructed by Europeans in the New World, i. 356. Rodriguez, Sebastian, takes a letter from the prior Perez to the queen, i. 104. Roldan, Francisco, history and character of, ii. 160 ; an account of his conspiracy, ib. ; takes possession of Xaragua, ii. 189 ; his conduct in respect to the ships sent forward by Columbus, ib. ; promises to repair to St. Domingo on the arrival of Columbus, ii. 192 ; his interview with Ballester, ii. 195 ; rejects an offer of pardon, ib, ; demands his discharge, ii. 203 ; his interview with Caravajal, & c , ii. 204 ; determines on going to the admiral, ii. 208 ; correspondence with the admiral, ii. 206 ; sends propositions by Carvajal, ii. 208 ; which are accepted, ib. ; circumstances prevent their being acted upon, ib. ; makes a second arrangement with the admiral, ii. 209 ; is permitted to resume his office of A l calde-mayor, ii. 2 1 0 ; receives a grant of lands, ii. 214 ; visits his lands, ib. ; assumes new authority, ii. 215 ; is sent to meet Alonzo de Ojeda, il. 219 ; his manœuvres with him, ii. 224—229 ; his rivalship with Guevara, ii. 231 ; seizes him in the dwelling of Anacaona, ii. 233 ; treated with confidence by Bobadilla, ii. 263 ; his conduct investi-

gated by Ovando, ii. 208 ; sails for Spain, and is lost in a violent hurricane, ii. 312. Roman, Friar, his account of the natives of Hispaniola, i. 369. S. Sabellicus, his account of the capture of the Venetian galleys, iii. 328. Saint Michael, bay of, discovered, hi. 175. Salamanca, the learned assemble at, to consider the proposition of Columbus, i. 84 ; pronounce the plan to be vain and impossible, i. 100. Salcedo, Diego de, arrives at Jamaica with succors from Ovando, ii. 454. Salvador, St., discovery of, i. 156; awe and surprise of the natives on first beholding the ships of Columbus, i. 157 ; description of them, i. 158 ; gold first discovered in this island, i. 160. Samana, Gulf of, discovered, i. 236. San Rafael, discovery of, i. 436. . San Sebastian, settled by Ojeda, iii. 80 ; conduct of the natives at, ib. ; ambuscade of the Indians, ib ; tigers, panthers, and large venomous serpents found at, ib. ; arrival of Talavera at, iii. 83 ; faction in the colony, iii. 87 ; Pizarro, first lieutenant of, ib. Sanchez, Juan, takes charge of Quibian, ii. 355 ; who escapes, ib. ; kUled in battle by the Adelantado, iii. 417. Sande, Don Ruy de, his mission to the Spanish court, i. 287 Santa Marta, island of, discovered, i. 407. Santa, La Isla, discovery of, ii. 110. Santa Cruz, Island of, discovery of, i. 313. Santa Gloria (St. Ann's Bay), discovered by Columbus, i. 399. Santa Maria, seat of government established at, iii. 127 ; faction at, ib. Santiago. See Jamaica ; letter of Heneken, i. 357. , river of, discovered, i. 231. Saometa, discovery of, i. 168. Saona, island of, discovered, i. 435 ; difference of longitude between, and Cadiz, ib. Scandinavians, an essay relative to the voyages of, iii. 356. Schedel, remarks on an interpolation in his chronicle, iii. 354. Sea wolves, killed, iii. 282. Seneca, his notice of electrical lights on the masts of ships, i. 304. Serafin Point, i. 412. Sharks, a multitude of, seen on the coast of Veragua, ii. 341 ; curious method of taking them, i. 407 ; superstition concerning, ii. 341. Ships, observations relative to the size of those employed by Columbus, iii. 364. transported in pieces across the mountains at the Isthmus, iii. 230. Slaves, five hundred are sent to Spain, ii. 40 ; three hundred sent by Bartholomew Columbus, ii. 139; arrival in Spain, ii. 61 ; queen Isabella interests herself in their favor, ii. 62 ; orders them to be sent back to Hayti, ib. ; negroes first introduced to the New World,

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