The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 3, partie 2

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Map, Paulo Toscanelli's, used by Columbus on his first voyage, i. 57. Maps, a great improvement made in, i. 43. Marble, masses of, found among the moun­ tains of Cibao, i. 363. Marcolini, his account of Estotiland and Drogeo, iii. 360. Margarita, island of, discovery of, ii. 123. of Austria, her nuptials with prince Juan, ii. 90. Margarite, Pedro, recommended to a command by Columbus, i. 346 ; made commander of the fortress of St. Thomas, i. 367 ; sends an account of the conduct of his colony, & c , i. 381 ; is invested with the command of the forces, i. 387 ; disregards his instructions, i. 389 ; his misconduct during the absence of Columbus, ii. 16, 17, 18 ; is censured by Di­ ego Columbus, ii. 19 ; forms a plan of re­ turning to Spain, ii. 21 ; sets sail, ib.; his accusations of Columbus at Madrid, ii. 56. Marque, Diego, missed at Guadaloupe, i. 309 ; his return, i. 311 ; is placed under arrest, i. 312. Maria, Santa, discovery of, i. 313. Marien, domain, account of, ii. 16. Martin V . , Pope, concedes to the crown of Portugal all the lands it might discover from Cape Bajador to the Indies, i. 278. Marta, Santa, discovery of, i. 407. Martin, San, island of, discovered, i. 313. Martyr, Peter, his account of Cuba, i. 187 ; his description of the natives of Hispaniola, i. 198 ; sent to the soldan of Egypt to make arrangements for the conservation of the ho­ ly sepulchre, ii. 302 ; short account of his life and writings, iii. 423 ; passages from his letters relative to Columbus, iii. 424 ; his cha­ racter of Amerigo Vespucci, iii. 330. Marigalante, island of, discovery of, i. 306. Martin, Alonzo, the first European on the Pa­ cific, in a vessel, iii. 174. Mateo, Juan, a Haytien converted to Christi­ anity, ii. 149. Mauro, constructs a celebrated map, i. 43. Maya, province of Yucatan, natives of, can­ nibals, iii. 248. Mayobanex, Cacique of the Ciguayens, i. 235 ; Guarionex flies to him for refuge, ii. 179 ; his answer to the Adelantado, when desired to give up Guarionex, ii. 180 ; is deserted in his need, ii. 182; compelled to fly, ib.; is seized with his wife and children, ii. 183. Medina Celi, duke of, entertains Columbus, i. 72 ; application of Columbus to, ib.; writes to the queen, i. 73 ; account of, iii. 18. , Sidonia, duke of, application of Co­ lumbus to, i. 72 ; plan rejected, ib. Melons introduced into Hayti, i. 380. Mendez, Diego, his bold conduct at Veragua, ii. 3 5 0 , 3 5 6 ; his reward, ii. 369 ; his me­ ritorious conduct at Jamaica, ii. 378 ; his conversation with Columbus, ii. 380 ; un­ dertakes to go in a canoe to St. Domingo, ii. 381 ; departs with one Spaniard and six In­ dians, ii. 382 ; narrowly escapes being mur­ dered by the Indians of the coast and re­

turns, ii. 384 ; account of his voyage, ii. 406 ; sails for Spain, ii. 421 ; his subsequent histo­ ry, ii. 423, and note. Mendoza, Pedro Gonzalez de,—see Toledo, Archbishop of. Meneses, Don Pedro de, his answer to the bish­ op of Ceuta in respect to the propriety of maritime discoveries, i. 66. Mermaids, tnree supposed, seen by Columbus, i. 231. Mexiatrillo, Rodrigo, commands the soldiery at the massacre of Xaragua, ii. 433. Misa, Rio de la, so called from mass performed on its banks, i. 428. Monis de Palestrello, Dona Felipa, her mar­ riage with Columbus, i. 42. Monte Christi, description of, i. 338 ; Colum­ bus founds the city of Isabella, i. 339. Montserrat, discovery of, i. 313. Moors, war against the, i. 79. none permitted to establish themselves in the colonies or go on voyages of discovery, ii. 288. Morales, Caspar, expedition of, to the Pacific, i. 218. , Francisco, his evidence relative to the discovery of the coast of Paria by Colum­ bus, iii. 340. Mother-of-pearl found on the coast of Paria, ii. 117. Moxica, Adrian de, conspiracy of, ii. 230 ; me­ ditates the death of the Admiral and of Rol­ dan, ib.; is seized, ii. 2 3 5 ; and flung head­ long from the battlements of Fort Concep­ tion, ib. Moya, marchioness of, becomes a friend to Columbus, i. 95 ; and recommends his suit to the queen, ib.; also, 105-112. Mnlatas, islands of, discovered, ii. 372. Mules, the employment of, under the saddle prohibited in Spain, ii. 470. Music of the Haytiens, i. 376. Musicians sent to Hayti to enliven the spirits of the colony, ii. 99. N. Names, exchanging, an Indian league of fra­ ternity, ii. 440. Navarrete, his opinion relative to the island first discovered by Columbus, iii. 368. Navasa, island of, ii. 407 ; fountain near, ii. 409. Navidad, La, or the Nativity, construction of the fortress of, i. 223 : disasters at the for­ tress, i. 322, 3, 4, 5 ; abandoned by Colum­ bus, i. 337. Needle, variation of the, first noticed, i, 103 ; inclines a whole point, ii. 129 ; Columbus's speculation in respect to, ii. 131. Negroes of Africa introduced into Hispaniola, iii. 303 ; their first revolt, ib. Negotiations, diplomatic, between the courts of Spain and Portugal, with respect to the new discoveries, i. 287. Newfoundland, assertions relative to the dis­ covery of, by the Scandinavians, iii. 357.

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