The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 3, partie 2

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A. A B I B E Y B À , Cacique, territories of, iii. 153. Acuna, Don Alonzo de, summons Columbus to give an account of himself, on his return from the New World, i. 253. Address of an Indian of Cuba to Columbus, i. 425. Adelantado, title of, given to Christopher Columbus, confirmed by the king, ii. 93. Adrian de Moxica, ii. 194, Admiral, the, a title granted to Columbus and his descendants, ii. 92. Africa, essay on the navigation of, by the ancients, iii. 361. Aguado, Juan, recommended to the Spanish Government by Columbus, i. 346 ; appoint­ ed commissioner to inquire into the conduct of Columbus, ii. 6 0 ; arrives at Isabella, ii. 62 ; his insolent behavior, ii. 63 ; his inter­ view with Columbus, ii. 65 ; the Caciques having preferred complaints against Colum­ bus, he determines on returning to Spain, ii. 67. Agueybanà, Cacique of Porto Rico, prime mover in a conspiracy against the Spaniards, iii. 270 ; attacks the Spaniards, kills Soto­ mayor, andfiresthe village, iii. 273 ; attacked by Juan Ponce, iii. 276 ; is killed, ib. Aguilar, conduct of at Yucatan, iii. 250 ; sin­ gular temptation of while in captivity, ib. ; receives a letter from some of his country­ men, iii. 253; acts as mediator for the Cacique Taxmar, iii. 255 ; meets with Cor­ tez, and is released, iii. 257 ; incident con­ cerning his mother, iii. 257 ; his story, iii. 258 ; appointed Regidor of the city of Mexico, iii. 259. Aibitez, Diego de, iii. 131, Alca, town of, founded at Careta, iii. 229. Alexander V I . , pope, character of, i. 279 ; fa­ mous bulls of, relative to the New World, i. 280 ; letter of Columbus to, ii. 300. Aliaco, Pedro, work of, referred to, ii. 11. Alligators, found in great numbers at Puerto Bello, ii. 336. All Saints, discovery of the bay of, iii. 335. Alonzo, Don, heir apparent of Portugal, his marriage with the princess Isabella, i. 98.

Alpha and Omega, the extreme point of Cuba, i. 192, 395. Alva, duke of, Don Diego Columbus marries his daughter, iii. 297 ; he assists in obtaining justice for his son-in-law, ib. Alvaro, Don, de Portugal, attack upon, in the royal tent, i. 94. Amazons, an island of supposed, i. 233 ; war­ like women of the Caribbee islands, i. 313, ii. 76-78. Amazons, river of, discovered by Vicente Pinzon, ii. 277. Amber, specimens of, among the mountains of Cibao, i. 362. Anacaona, wife to Caonabo, retires with her brother Behecio, after the great battle of the Vega, ii. 49 ; composes legendary ballads, ii. 140 ; her admiration of the Spaniards, ii. 141 ; counsels her brother to conciliate the friendship of the Spaniards, ib. ; her recep­ tion of the Adelantado, ii. 143 ; her wonder and delight at seeing a Spanish ship, ii. 157 ; her grief at the departure of the Adelantado, ii. 158 ; her conduct in respect to her daughter and Guevara, ii. 232 ; her admiration of the Spaniards turned into detestation, ii. 430 ; receives a visit from Ovando, ii. 433; is seized, ii. 433 ; carried in chains to St. Do­ mingo, ii. 435; and ignominiously hanged, ib.; her fine character, ii. 435-6. Anana, or the pine-apple, first met with, i. 308 Angel, Luis de St., his remonstrance with the queen relative to the project of Colurabas, i. I l l ; succeeds, i. 112. Antigua, island of, discovered, i. 313. Antilles, the, discovered, i. 313 ; taken posses­ sion of, ib. Apparitions, ideas of the Haytiens in respect to, i. 374. Appendix, containing illustrations and docu­ ments, iii. 289. Arana, Diego de, left in charge of Hispaniola, during the first absence of Columbus, i. 225 ; history of the disaster which occurred to him after the departure of Columbus, i. 323-45. Arano, Pedro de, commander of oneof Colum­ bus's ships on his third voyage, ii. 104. Arbolancha, Pedro de, sent by Nunez to Spain,

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