The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 3, partie 2

Page 183



with the world.

H e is a fountain from which others draw, and from

which, with a little precaution, they may draw securely.

H e died in Val-

ladolid, in 1 5 2 6 .


D E O V I E D O T V A L D E S , commonly known

as Ovi­

edo, was born in Madrid in 1 4 7 8 , and died in Valladolid in 1 5 5 7 , aged seventy-nine years.

H e was of a noble Asturian family, and in his boy­

hood (in 1 4 9 0 ) was appointed one of the pages to prince Juan, heir ap­ parent of Spain, the only son of Ferdinand and Isabella.

H e was in this

situation at the time of the siege and surrender of Granada, was conse­ quently at court at the time that Columbus made his agreement with the Catholic sovereigns, and was in the same capacity at Barcelona, and wit­ nessed the triumphant entrance of the discoverer, attended by a number of the natives of the newly found countries. In 1 5 1 3 , he was sent out to the N e w World by Ferdinand, to superin­ tend the gold foundries.

For many years he served there in various offices

of trust and dignity, both under Ferdinand, and his grandson and successor Charles V .

In 1 5 3 5 , he was made alcayde of the fortress of St. Domin­

go in Hispaniola, and afterwards was appointed historiographer of the Indies.

A t the time of his death, he had served the crown upwards of

forty years, thirty-four of which were passed in the colonies, and he had crossed the ocean eight times, as he mentions in various parts of his wri­ tings.

H e wrote several works ; the most important is a chronicle of the

Indies in fifty books, divided into three parts.

T h e first part, containing

nineteen books, was printed at Seville in 1 5 3 5 , and reprinted in 1 5 4 7 at Salamanca, augmented by a twentieth book containing shipwrecks. T h e remainder of the work exists in manuscript.

T h e printing of it was com­

menced at Valladolid in 1 5 5 7 , but was discontinued in consequence of his death.

It is one of the unpublished treasures of Spanish colonial history.

H e was an indefatigable writer, laborious in collecting and recording facts, and composed a multitude of volumes which are scattered through the Spanish libraries.

His writings are full of events which happened

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