The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 3, partie 1

Page 45




there was but little gold, nor any thing else of value to be found among the simple natives, he requited their hospitality, in the mode too common among the early discoverers, by carrying off thirty-six of them captive. Having regained the sight of the polar star, Pinzon pursued his course along the coast, passing the mouths of the Oronoko, and entering the Gulf of Paria, where he landed and cut brazil足 wood.

Sallying forth by the Boca del Drago, he reached the

island of Hispaniola about the 23d of June, whence he sailed for the Bahamas.

Here, in the month of July, while at anchor, there

came such a tremendous hurricane that two of the caravels were swallowed up with all their crews in the sight of their terrified companions ; a third parted her cables and was driven out to sea, while the fourth was so furiously beaten by the tempest that the crew threw themselves into the boats and made for shore.


they found a few naked Indians, who offered them no molestation ; but, fearing that they might spread the tidings of a handful of shipwrecked Spaniards being upon the coast, and thus bring the savages of the neighboring islands upon them, a council of war was held whether it would not be a wise precaution to put these Indians to death.

Fortunately for the latter, the vessel which

had been driven from her anchors returned and put an end to the alarm, and to the council of war.

The other caravel also rode

out the storm uninjured, and the sea subsiding, the Spaniards returned on board, and made the best of their way to the island of Hispaniola.

Having repaired the damages sustained in the

gale, they again made sail for Spain, and came to anchor in the river before Palos, about the end of September. Thus ended one of the most checkered and disastrous voyages yet made to the New World.

Yanez Pinzon had lost two of his

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