The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 3, partie 1

Page 224



OF C O L U M B U S .


and disheartened from the battle with BirĂš, they were waylaid and assaulted by a host of indians led on by the son of ChirucĂ . A javelin from his hand pierced one of the Spaniards through the breast, and came out between the shoulders ; several others were wounded, and the remainder were harassed by a galling fire kept up from among rocks and bushes. Dismayed at the implacable vengeance they had aroused, the Spaniards hastened to abandon these hostile shores and make the best of their way back to Darien.

The Indians, however, were

not to be appeased by the mere departure of the intruders.


followed them perseveringly for seven days, hanging on their skirts, and harassing them by continual alarms.

Morales and

Pizarro, seeing the obstinacy of their pursuit, endeavored to gain a march upon them by stratagem.

Making large fires as usual

one night about the place of their encampment, they left them burning to deceive the enemy while they made a rapid retreat. Among their number was one poor fellow named Velasquez, who was so grievously wounded that he could not walk.

Unable to

accompany his countrymen in their flight, and dreading to fall into the merciless hands of the savages, he determined to hang himself, nor could the prayers and even tears of his comrades dissuade him from his purpose. The stratagem of the Spaniards, however, was unavailing. Their retreat was perceived, and at daybreak, to their dismay, they found themselves surrounded by three squadrons of savages. Unable, in their haggard state, to make head against so many foes, they remained drawn up all day on the defensive, some watching while others reposed.

At night they lit their fires and

again attempted to make a secret retreat. The Indians, however, were as usual on their traces, and wounded several with arrows.

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