The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 3, partie 1

Page 166





Such was the motley armament that set forth from the little colony of Darien, under the guidance of a daring, if not desperate commander, in quest of the great Pacific Ocean.



I T was on the first of September that Vasco Nunez embarked with his followers in a brigantine and nine large canoes or pi足 rogues, followed by the cheers and good wishes of those who re足 mained at the settlement.

Standing to the northwestward, he

arrived without accident at Coyba, the dominion of the cacique Careta, whose daughter he had received as a pledge of amity. That Indian beauty had acquired a great influence over Vasco Nunez, and appears to have cemented his friendship with her father and her people.

He was received by the cacique with

open arms, and furnished with guides and warriors to aid him in his enterprise. Vasco Nunez left about half of his men at Coyba to guard the brigantine and canoes, while he should penetrate the wilder足 ness with the residue.

The importance of his present expedition,

not merely as affecting his own fortunes, but as it were unfolding a mighty secret of nature, seems to have impressed itself upon his spirit, and to have given correspondent solemnity to his con足 duct.

Before setting out upon his march, he caused mass to be

performed, and offered up prayers to God for the success of his perilous undertaking. It was on the sixth of September, that he struck off for the

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