The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 3, partie 1

Page 144



boring cacique of Ponca.


The Spanish outcast, who had remained

to betray his benefactor, now took Vasco Nunez aside, and assured him that the cacique had an abundant hoard of provisions in secret ; he advised him, however, to seem to believe his words, and to make a pretended departure for Darien with his troops, .but to return in the night and take the village by surprise. Vasco Nunez adopted the advice of the traitor.

He took a cor足

dial leave of Careta, and set off for the settlement.

In the dead

of the night, however, when the savages were buried in deep sleep, Vasco Nunez led his men into the midst of the village, and, before the inhabitants could rouse themselves to resistance, made captives of Careta, his wives, and children, and many of his people.

He discovered also the hoard of provisions, with

which he loaded two brigantines, and returned with his booty and his captives to Darien. When the unfortunate cacique beheld his family in chains, and in the hands of strangers, his heart was wrung with despair ; " What have I done," said he to Vasco Nunez, " that thou shouldst treat me thus cruelly ?

None of thy people ever came to my land

that were not fed, and sheltered, and treated with loving kindness. When thou earnest to my dwelling, did I meet thee with a javelin in my hand ?

Did I not set meat and drink before thee, and wel足

come thee as a brother ?

Set me free, therefore, with my family

and people, and we will remain thy friends.

W e will supply

thee with provisions, and reveal to thee the riches of the land. Dost thou doubt my faith ?

Behold my daughter, I give her to

thee as a pledge of friendship.

Take her for thy wife, and be

assured of the fidelity of her family and her people !" Vasco Nunez felt the force of these words, and knew the im足 portance of forming a strong alliance among the natives.


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