The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 3, partie 1

Page 134




tention to treat the people of Darien in the same


" What folly is it in you," added he, " being your own masters, and in such free condition, to send for a tyrant to rule over you !" The people of Darien were convinced by this concurring tes足 timony, and confounded by the overwhelming evil they had thus invoked upon their heads.

They had deposed Enciso for his

severity, and they had thrown themselves into the power of one who threatened to be ten times more severe !

Vasco Nunez de

Balboa observed their perplexity and consternation.

He drew

them one by one apart, and conversed with them in private. " You are cast down in heart," said he, " and so you might well be, were the evil beyond all cure.

But do not despair ; there is

an effectual relief, and you hold it in your hands.

If you have

committed an error in inviting Nieuesa to Darien, it is easily remedied by not receiving him when he comes !"

The obvious足

ness and simplicity of the remedy struck every mind, and it was unanimously adopted.




W H I L E this hostile plot was maturing at Darien, the unsuspect足 ing Nieuesa pursued his voyage leisurely and serenely, and ar足 rived in safety at the mouth of the river.

On approaching the

shore he beheld a multitude, headed by Vasco Nunez, waiting, as he supposed, to receive him with all due honor.

He was about

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