The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 3, partie 1

Page 111




with such voracity that Nicuesa was obliged to interfere, lest they should injure themselves.

Nor was the supply of fresh water

less grateful to their parched and fevered palates. When sufficiently revived, they all abandoned the desolate island, and set sail for the river Belen, exulting as joyfully as if their troubles were at an end, and they were bound to a haven of delight, instead of merely changing the scene of suffering and encountering a new variety of horrors. In the meantime Lope de Olano had been diligently preparing for the approaching interview with his commander, by persuading his fellow-officers to intercede in his behalf, and to place his late conduct in the most favorable light. cessions.

He had need of their inter­

Nicuesa arrived, burning with indignation.

He or­

dered him to be instantly seized and punished as a traitor ; attrib­ uting to his desertion the ruin of the enterprise and the sufferings and death of so many of his brave followers. captains of Olano spoke in his favor ; but

The fellow-

Nicuesa turned

indignantly upon them : " You do well," cried he, " to supplicate mercy for him ; you, who, yourselves, have need of pardon ! You have participated in his crime ; why, else, have you suffered so long a time to elapse without compelling him to send one of the vessels in search of me ?" The captains vindicated themselves by assurances of their be­ lief in his having foundered at sea.

They reiterated their sup­

plications for mercy to Olano ; drawing the most affecting pictures of their past and present sufferings, and urging the impolicy of increasing the horrors of their situation by acts of severity. Nicuesa at length was prevailed upon to spare his victim ; re­ solving to send him, by the first opportunity, a prisoner to Spain. It appeared, in truth, no time to add to the daily blows of fate

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