The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 2

Page 397

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mind, he endeavored to rouse the spirits, and animate the hopes, of the drooping sufferers. Concealing his own anxiety, he main­ tained a serene and even cheerful countenance, encouraging his men by kind words, and holding forth confident anticipations of speedy relief. By his friendly and careful treatment, he soon recruited both the health and spirits of his people, and brought them into a condition to contribute to the common safety. Judi­ cious regulations, calmly, but firmly enforced, maintained every thing in order. The men became sensible of the advantages of wholesome discipline, and perceived that the restraints imposed upon them by their commander were for their own good, and ultimately productive of their own comfort. Columbus had thus succeeded in guarding against internal ills, when alarming evils began to menace from without. The Indians, unused to lay up any stock of provisions, and unwilling to subject themselves to extra labor, found it difficult to furnish the quantity of food daily required for so many hungry men. The European trinkets, once so precious, lost their value, in pro­ portion as they became common. The importance of the admiral had been greatly diminished by the desertion of so many of his followers ; and the malignant instigations of the rebels had awak­ ened jealousy and enmity in several of the villages, which had been accustomed to furnish provisions. By degrees, therefore, the supplies fell off. The arrange­ ments for the daily delivery of certain quantities, made by Diego Mendez, were irregularly attended to, and at length ceased en­ tirely. The Indians no longer thronged to the harbor with pro­ visions, and often refused them when applied for. The Spaniards were obliged to forage about the neighborhood for their daily food ; but found more and more difficulty in procuring it ; thus

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