The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 2

Page 390







perish with him in this desolate wreck ? If they succeeded in reaching Hispaniola, they would be the better received for having left the admiral behind. Ovando was secretly hostile to him, fearing that he would regain the government of the island ; on their arrival in Spain, the bishop Fonseca, from his enmity to Columbus, would be sure to take their part ; the brothers Porras had powerful friends and relatives at court, to counteract any re足 presentations that might be made by the admiral ; and they cited the case of Roldan's rebellion, to show that the prejudices of the public, and of men in power, would always be against him. Nay, they insinuated that the sovereigns, who, on that occasion, had deprived him of part of his dignities and privileges, would re足 joice at a pretext for stripping him of the remainder.* Columbus was aware that the minds of his people were imbittered against him. He had repeatedly been treated with insolent impatience, and reproached with being the cause of their disas足 ters. Accustomed, however, to the unreasonableness of men in adversity, and exercised, by many trials, in the mastery of his passions, he bore with their petulance, soothed their irritation, and endeavored to cheer their spirits by the hopes of speedy succor. A little while longer, and he trusted that Fiesco would arrive with good tidings, when the certainty of relief would put an end to all these clamors. The mischief, however, was deeper than he apprehended : a complete mutiny had been organized. On the 2d of January, 1504, he was in his small cabin, on the stern of his vessel, being confined to his bed by the gout, which had now rendered him a complete cripple. While rumi足 nating on his disastrous situation, Francisco de Porras suddenly entered. His abrupt and agitated manner betrayed the evil na* Hist. del Almirante, cap. 102.

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