The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 2

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to the vegetable diet of the Indians. Their maladies were ren­ dered more insupportable by mental suffering, by that suspense which frets the spirit, and that hope deferred which corrodes the heart. Accustomed to a life of bustle and variety, they had now nothing to do but loiter about the dreary hulk, look out upon the sea, watch for the canoe of Fiesco, wonder at its protracted ab­ sence, and doubt its return. A long time elapsed, much more than sufficient for the voyage, but nothing was seen or heard of the canoe. Fears were entertained that their messenger had per­ ished. If so, how long were they to remain here, vainly looking for relief which was never to arrive ? Some sank into deep des­ pondency, others became peevish and impatient. Murmurs broke forth, and, as usual with men in distress, murmurs of the most unreasonable kind. Instead of sympathizing with their aged and infirm commander, who was involved in the same calamity, who in suffering transcended them all, and yet who was incessantly studious of their welfare, they began to rail against him as the cause of all their misfortunes. The factious feeling of an unreasonable multitude would be of little importance if left to itself, and might end in idle clamor ; it is the industry of one or two evil spirits which generally directs it to an object, and makes it mischievous. Among the officers of Columbus were two brothers, Francisco and Diego de Porras. They were related to the royal treasurer Morales, who had mar­ ried their sister, and had made interest with the admiral to give them some employment in the expedition.* To gratify the trea­ surer, he had appointed Francisco de Porras captain of one of the caravels, and had obtained for his brother Diego the situation of notary and accountant-general of the squadron. He had * Hist. del Almirante, cap. 102.

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