The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 2

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He was encouraged the more to persist in his eastern course by information from the Indians, that there were many places in that direction which abounded with gold. Much of the informa­ tion which he gathered among these people, was derived from an old man more intelligent than the rest, who appeared to be an an­ cient navigator of these seas. Columbus retained him to serve as a guide along the coast, and dismissed his companions with many presents. Leaving the island of Guanaja, he stood southwardly for the main-land, and after sailing a few leagues, discovered a cape, to which he gave the name of Caxinas, from its being covered with fruit trees, so called by the natives. It is at present known as Cape Honduras. Here, on Sunday the 14th of August, the Ade­ lantado landed with the captains of the caravels and many of the seamen, to attend mass, which was performed under the trees on the sea-shore, according to the pious custom of the admiral, when­ ever circumstances would permit. On the 17th, the Adelantado again landed at a river about fifteen miles from the point, on the bank of which he displayed the banners of Castile, taking posses­ sion of the country in the name of their Catholic Majesties ; from which circumstances he named this the River of Possession.* At this place they found upwards of a hundred Indians assem­ bled, laden with bread and maize, fish and fowl, vegetables, and fruits of various kinds. These they laid down as presents before the Adelantado and his party, and drew back to a distance with­ out speaking a word. The Adelantado distributed among them various trinkets, with which they were well pleased, and appeared the next day in the same place, in greater numbers, with still more abundant supplies of provisions. * Journal of Porras, Navarrete, Colec, tom. i.

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