The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 2

Page 233





orders for him to depart instantly to Cahay. The young cavalier assumed a tone of defiance. He warned Roldan not to make foes when he had such great need of friends ; for, to his certain know足 ledge, the admiral intended to behead him. Upon this, Roldan commanded him to quit that part of the island, and repair to San Domingo, to present himself before the admiral. The thoughts of being banished entirely from the vicinity of his Indian beauty, checked the vehemence of the youth. He changed his tone of haughty defiance into one of humble supplication ; and Roldan, appeased by this submission, permitted him to remain for the present in the neighborhood. Roldan had instilled willfulness and violence into the hearts of his late followers, and now was doomed to experience the effects. Guevara, incensed at his opposition to his passion, medi足 tated revenge. He soon made a party among the old comrades of Roldan, who detested, as a magistrate, the man they had idol足 ized as a leader. It was concerted to rise suddenly upon him, and either to kill him or put out his eyes. Roldan was apprised of the plot, and proceeded with his usual promptness. Guevara was seized in the dwelling of Anacaona, in the presence of his intended bride ; seven of his accomplices were likewise arrested. Roldan immediately sent an account of the affair to the admiral, professing, at present, to do nothing without his authority, and declaring himself not competent to judge impartially in the case. Columbus, who was at that time at Fort Conception, in the Vega, ordered the prisoner to be conducted to the fortress of San Do足 mingo. The vigorous measures of Roldan against his old comrades, produced commotions in the island. When Adrian de Moxica heard that his cousin Guevara was a prisoner, and that, too, by



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