The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 2

Page 198





prejudice him in the royal favor, through the misrepresentations of designing men. He assured them that the natural resources of the island required nothing but good management to supply all the wants of the colonists ; but that the latter were indolent and profligate. He proposed to send home, by every ship, as in the present instance, a number of the discontented and worthless, to be replaced by sober and industrious men. He begged also that ecclesiastics might be sent out for the instruction and conversion of the Indians ; and, what was equally necessary, for the reforma足 tion of the dissolute Spaniards. He required also a man learned in the law, to officiate as judge over the island, together with several officers of the royal revenue. Nothing could surpass the soundness and policy of these suggestions ; but unfortunately one clause marred the moral beauty of this excellent letter. He re足 quested that for two years longer the Spaniards might be permit足 ted to employ the Indians as slaves ; only making use of such, however, as were captured in wars and insurrections. Columbus had the usage of the age in excuse for this suggestion ; but it is at variance with his usual benignity of feeling, and his paternal conduct towards these unfortunate people. At the same time he wrote another letter, giving an account of his recent voyage, accompanied by a chart, and by specimens of the gold, and particularly of the pearls found in the gulf of Paria. He called especial attention to the latter as being the first specimens of pearls found in the New World. It was in this letter that he described the newly discovered continent in such enthusiastic terms, as the most favored part of the east, the source of inexhaustible treasures, the supposed seat of the terres足 trial Paradise ; and he promised to prosecute the discovery of its

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