The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 2

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avail against the terror of European arms. They were governed by a cacique named Cotubanama.* Such were the five territorial divisions of the island at the time of its discovery. The amount of its population has never been clearly ascertained ; some have stated it at a million of souls, though this is considered an exaggeration. It must, how­ ever, have been very numerous, and sufficient, in case of any general hostility, to endanger the safety of a handful of Euro­ peans. Columbus trusted for safety partly to the awe inspired by the weapons and horses of the Spaniards, and the idea of their superhuman nature, but chiefly to the measures he had taken to conciliate the good-will of the Indians by gentle and beneficent treatment. Margarite set forth on his expedition with the greater part of the forces, leaving Alonzo de Ojeda in command of the fortress of St. Thomas. Instead, however, of commencing by exploring the rough mountains of Cibao, as he had been commanded, he descended into the fertile region of the Vega. Here he lingered among the populous and hospitable Indian villages, forgetful of the object of his command, and of the instructions left him by the admiral. A commander who lapses from duty himself, is little calculated to enforce discipline. The sensual indulgences of Mar­ garite were imitated by his followers, and his army soon became little better than a crew of riotous marauders. The Indians, for a time, supplied them with provisions with their wonted hospi­ tality, but the scanty stores of those abstemious yet improvident people were soon exhausted by the Spaniards ; one of whom they declared would consume more in a day than would support an In­ dian for a month. If provisions were withheld, or scantily fur* Charlevoix, Hist. St. Domingo, lib. i. p. 69.

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