The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 1

Page 403








rounded by adjacent islands, and subject to frequent incursions of the Caribs, were of a pacific character, and possessed very few canoes; while Jamaica, separated by distance from inter­ course with other islands, protected in the same way from the dangers of invasion, and embosomed, as it were, in a peaceful mediterranean sea, was inhabited by a warlike race, and sur­ passed all the other islands in its maritime armaments. His ship being repaired, and a supply of water taken in, Columbus made sail, and continued along the coast to the west­ ward, so close to the shore, that the little squadron was continu­ ally surrounded by the canoes of the natives, who came off from every bay, and river, and headland, no longer manifesting hos­ tility, but anxious to exchange any thing they possessed for European trifles.

After proceeding about twenty-four leagues,

they approached the western extremity of the island, where the coast bending to the south, the wind became unfavorable for their further progress along the shore.

Being disappointed in his

hopes of finding gold in Jamaica, and the breeze being fair for Cuba, Columbus determined to return thither, and not to leave it until he had explored its coast to a sufficient distance to deter­ mine the question, whether it were terra firma or an island.*


the last place at which he touched in Jamaica, he gave the name of the Gulf of Buentiempo (or Fair Weather), on account of the propitious wind which blew for Cuba.

Just as he was about to

sail, a young Indian came off to the ship, and begged the Span­ iards would take him to their country.

He was followed by his

relatives and friends, who endeavored by the most affecting sup­ plications to dissuade him from'his purpose.

For some time he

was distracted between concern for the distress of his family, and * Hist. del Almirante, cap. 54.

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