The life and voyages of Christopher Colombus. Volume 1

Page 383







forest, and the action of a burning sun upon a reeking vegetable soil, produced intermittent fevers, and various other of the mala­ dies so trying to European constitutions in the uncultivated coun­ tries of the tropics.

Many of the Spaniards suffered also under

the torments of a disease hitherto unknown to them, the scourge, as was supposed, of their licentious intercourse with the Indian females; but the origin of which, whether American or European, has been a subject of great dispute.

Thus the greater part of the

colonists were either confined by positive illness, or reduced to great debility.

The stock of medicines was soon exhausted;

there was a lack of medical aid, and of the watchful attendance which is even more important than medicine to the sick.


one who was well, was either engrossed by the public labors, or by his own wants or cares; having to perform all menial offices for himself, even to the cooking of his provisions.

The public

works, therefore, languished, and it was impossible to cultivate the soil in a sufficient degree to produce a supply of the fruits of the earth.

Provisions began to fail, much of the stores brought from

Europe had been wasted on board ship, or suffered to spoil through carelessness, and much had perished on shore from the warmth and humidity of the climate.

It seemed impossible for

the colonists to accommodate themselves to the food of the natives; and their infirm condition required the aliments to which they had been accustomed.

To avert an absolute famine, therefore, it was

necessary to put the people on a short allowance even of the damaged and unhealthy provisions which remained.

This imme­

diately caused loud and factious murmurs, in which many of those in office, who ought to have supported Columbus in his measures for the common safety, took a leading part: among those was Father Boyle, a priest as turbulent as he was crafty.

He had

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